Recommended Hotels

Hotels within walking distance of the conference venue

The following hotels are located within walking distance of the conference venue.

Hotels in Takadanobaba area

The following hotels are located in the Takadanobaba area. The conference venue is only one subway stop away by using Tokyo Metro Tozai Line from Takadanobaba station (T03) to Waseda station (T04), approx. 2min. From Waseda station, the venue is located within 230m.

Hotels in Otemachi (Tokyo station) area

The following hotels are located in the Otemachi (Tokyo station) area. Note that Otemachi station is connected to Tokyo station. The conference venue is five subway stops away by using Tokyo Metro Tozai Line from Otemachi station (T09) to Waseda station (T04), approx. 11min. From Waseda station, the venue is located within 230m.

Hotels in Nakano area

The following hotels are located in the Nakano area. The conference venue is three subway stops away by using Tokyo Metro Tozai Line from Nakano station (T01) to Waseda station (T04), approx. 9min. From Waseda station, the venue is located within 50m.